Versatile Blogger Award

I was nominated to do this post by the lovely Uptown Oracle – I’ve linked her blog, you have to go check out her page! And her twitter and instagram ! Thank you so much, you’re a gem and a half!


  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Share 7 intersting facts about yourself in a blog post
  3. Nominate 10 bloggers who you believe deserve some recognition


Now, it’s easy to thank Uptown Oracle but I’m struggling with the seven facts. Should they be really obscure or funny? Let’s just wing it!


  1. I’m a huge college football fan – despite my interest in makeup and blogging, come Saturday it’s an all day event. right Go Buckeyes!
  2. My mom passed away three days after my 20th birthday.
  3. I’ve been a vegetarian for 10 years
  4. I’m dog obsessed and Grace ( my pitbull)  is my entire life. I would bail on plans to stay home with her and cuddle if she gave me one little whimper, as I walked out the door.
  5. I’m a huge pop culture nerd including TV, Movies, Broadway and books. I’m basically an information whore, I love to know everything about everything. And this keeps me up way past my bedtime because I have to google or IMDB what I need to know, until I figure it out.
  6. I’ve been in love with Batman since I was kid watching Batman:The Animated Series and I still regularly watch that because it’s amazing – Along, with all the Batman content out there including graphic novels –  I did not love the latest movie and I hated the new Alfred.
  7. I’m right handed, but I do everything else left-handed. Shoot pool, shoot a gun… Yes, I like to shoot guns, no I’m not a country girl. I actually don’t like country music besides Garth Brooks and older country. Okay, I made it!

Okay, that’s it – hope that wasn’t too terribly boring and you learned something new about me!

The ten bloggers I nominate are as follows:

  1. emiglignaut
  2. autobiographyear65
  3. zoenina
  4. asprinkleofbrunettefun
  5. overcast
  6. hannahjacqueline
  7. charlottesmakeupblog
  8. madison violet
  9. rumpydog
  10. awkwardgirlbeauty

5 Comments Add yours

  1. xoxorebs says:

    Oooh I’m just like you with googling random information about TV/books/films! And thank you for all the links!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I need to know everything! Haha And you’re welcome!


  2. Nina says:

    I’m so sorry that your mom passed away. My dad passed away few years ago and I know how it feels to loose a parent. It was nice to read about you. Just like you, I love to know everything about everything. Sometimes my eyes start hurting me because I’m constantly googling and reading something, haha.
    Nina’s Style Blog

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your dad – It’s rough to lose a parent so young. It sounds like we would really get along and we would know so many facts!


  3. Oooh I’ll have to see if I can get around to it! Thanks for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

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